The options are bountiful, original -- peach lavender! mango hibiscus! -- and considering they're part of a $39 overall "Ambar Experience," economical.
At a certain point, you'd be well-advised to stop trying to manage the chaos dish-by-dish and just let the Ambar Experience wash over you. It all makes for an impressively balanced meal, though you may end up eating the equivalent of two or three.
The two-hour limit must be on the menu purely for legal reasons, since refills continued well past the three-hour mark. Perhaps this is why we found our server's descent into political comedy more entertaining than off-putting.
Eastern Market's the best pound-for-pound brunch neighborhood in DC, and sitting on a bustling 8th Street filled with fellow brunchers keeps the energy going all afternoon.
We're like the postmen. We brunch in rain, sleet, or snow
Bottomless Bros © 2021-2025