Our conviction that brunch is strictly for mimosas was strongly reinforced when a compatriot went off script and ordered a Bloody Mary, only to find a droopy green bean where the celery stalk should have been. On the other hand, including Narragansett tall boys as a bottomless option is a nice touch.
While the regular fare is unspectacular, if brunch-y, the basket of biscuits picks up the slack.
A complimentary tray of shots -- apparently we seemed fun; who knew! -- gets this score as close to perfect as we're willing to go.
The "we hold space for walk-ins" message on their website is absolutely a lie, but the cozy interior is worth the reservation, particularly if you can snag the high circular spot in the corner and brunch from a perch.
We're like the postmen. We brunch in rain, sleet, or snow
Bottomless Bros © 2021-2025